🛠️ Calculator: Refactoring (Part 2)

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🛠️ Calculator: Refactoring (Part 2)

Here’s what we wrote for the event listener so far:

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...

  // Release operator pressed state
  const operatorKeys = [...calculatorButtonsDiv.children]
    .filter(button => button.dataset.buttonType === 'operator')
  operatorKeys.forEach(button => button.classList.remove('is-pressed'))

  if (buttonType === 'clear') {
    // ...

  if (buttonType !== 'clear') {
    // ...

  if (buttonType === 'number') {
    // ...

  if (buttonType === 'decimal') {
    // ...

  if (buttonType === 'operator') {
    // ...

  if (buttonType === 'equal') {
    // ...

  calculator.dataset.previousButtonType = buttonType

We can make the event listener code easier to read by breaking each “button” part into a dedicated function.

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  if (buttonType !== 'clear') { /* ...*/ }

  if (buttonType === 'clear') handleClearkey()
  if (buttonType === 'number') handleNumberKeys()
  if (buttonType === 'decimal') handleDecimalKey()
  if (buttonType === 'operator') handleOperatorKey()
  if (buttonType === 'equal') handleEqualKey()

  calculator.dataset.previousButtonType = buttonType

Ideally, we want to use early returns if there are many if statements. An early return tells us the rest of the code won’t be executed. It makes code easier to understand.

// Ideal, but doesn't work.
calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  if (buttonType !== 'clear') { /* ...*/ }

  if (buttonType === 'clear') return handleClearkey()
  if (buttonType === 'number') return handleNumberKeys()
  if (buttonType === 'decimal') return handleDecimalKey()
  if (buttonType === 'operator') return handleOperatorKey()
  if (buttonType === 'equal') return handleEqualKey()

  calculator.dataset.previousButtonType = buttonType

We cannot use early returns because we need to assign buttonType as previousButtonType at the end of the event listener.

This is where a switch statement is perfect. With switch, we can get the clarity we want, and still execute the final line of code.

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...

  if (buttonType !== 'clear') { /* ...*/ }

  switch (buttonType) {
    case 'clear':
    case 'number':
    case 'decimal':
    case 'operator':
    case 'equal':

  calculator.dataset.previousButtonType = buttonType

We can make the code terser by combining case, the function we want to call, and break in a single line.

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...

  if (buttonType !== 'clear') { /* ...*/ }

  switch (buttonType) {
    case 'clear': handleClearKey(); break
    case 'number': handleNumberKeys(); break
    case 'decimal': handleDecimalKey(); break
    case 'operator': handleOperatorKeys(); break
    case 'equal': handleEqualKey(); break

  calculator.dataset.previousButtonType = buttonType

Function to handle clear key

We’ll create this function by copying everything from the if (buttonType === 'clear').

function handleClearKey () {
  display.textContent = '0'
  button.textContent = 'AC'
  if (previousButtonType === 'clear') {
    delete calculator.dataset.firstValue
    delete calculator.dataset.operator
    delete calculator.dataset.modifierValue

We can see we need calculator and button to run this function. We can pass these two variables into the function.

function handleClearKey (calculator, button) {
  const { previousButtonType } = calculator.dataset

  if (buttonType === 'clear') {
    display.textContent = '0'
    button.textContent = 'AC'
    if (previousButtonType === 'clear') {
      delete calculator.dataset.firstValue
      delete calculator.dataset.operator
      delete calculator.dataset.modifierValue

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  switch (buttonType) {
    case 'clear': handleClearKey(calculator, button); break
  // ...

Function to handle number keys

We can create a function called handleNumberKeys. We’ll copy everything from if (buttonType === 'number') into this function.

function handleNumberKeys () {
 if (displayValue === '0') {
    display.textContent = key
  } else {
    display.textContent = displayValue + key

  if (previousButtonType === 'operator') {
    display.textContent = key

  if (previousButtonType === 'equal') {
    display.textContent = key

We need key, previousButtonType and displayValue in this function.

We can get key from dutton.dataset and previousButtonType from calculator. We’ll pass these two variables in.

function handleNumberKeys (calculator, button) {
  const { previousButtonType } = calculator.dataset
  const { key } = button.dataset
  // ...

We can get displayValue from getDisplayValue.

function handleNumberKeys (calculator, button) {
  const displayValue = getDisplayValue()
  // ...

We’ll use handleNumberKeys like this:

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  switch (buttonType) {
    // ...
    case 'number': handleNumberKeys(calculator, button); break
  // ...

Function to handle decimal key

Again, we start by copying everything we wrote from if (buttonType === 'decimal') into a new function. We’ll call this function handleDecimalKey

function handleDecimalKey () {
  if (!displayValue.includes('.')) {
    display.textContent = displayValue + '.'

  if (previousButtonType === 'equal') {
    display.textContent = '0.'

  if (previousButtonType === 'operator') {
    display.textContent = '0.'

We can see handleDecimalKey needs displayValue and previousButtonType.

  • displayValue can be found from getDisplayValue
  • previousButtonType can be found in calculator.dataset.

So we need to pass calculator into handleDecimalKey.

function handleDecimalKey (calculator) {
  const displayValue = getDisplayValue()
  const { previousButtonType } = calculator.dataset

  if (!displayValue.includes('.')) {
    display.textContent = displayValue + '.'

  if (previousButtonType === 'equal') {
    display.textContent = '0.'

  if (previousButtonType === 'operator') {
    display.textContent = '0.'

Using handleDecimalKey:

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  switch (buttonType) {
    // ...
    case 'decimal': handleDecimalKey(calculator); break
  // ...

Function to handle operator keys

Again, we will copy everything we wrote in if (buttonType === 'operator') into a new function. We’ll call it handleOperatorKeys.

function handleOperatorKeys () {

  const firstValue = calculator.dataset.firstValue
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const secondValue = displayValue

  if (
    previousButtonType !== 'operator' &&
    previousButtonType !== 'equal' &&
    firstValue &&
  ) {
    const result = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
    display.textContent = result
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = result
  } else {
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = displayValue

  calculator.dataset.operator = button.dataset.key

We can see we calculator, button, and displayValue in this function.

We will pass calculator and button into the function.

function handleOperatorKeys (calculator, button) {
  const { previousButtonType, firstvalue, operator } = calculator.dataset

  // ...

We will get displayValue from getDisplayValue.

function handleOperatorKeys (calculator, button) {
  const displayValue = getDisplayValue()
  // ...

Using handleOperatorKeys:

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  switch (buttonType) {
    // ...
    case 'operator': handleOperatorKeys(calculator, button); break
  // ...

Function to handle Equal key

Finally, we will create a function to handle the equal key. We will also start by copying everything we wrote from if (buttonType === 'equal') into the new function.

function handleEqualKey () {
  const firstValue = calculator.dataset.firstValue
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const modifierValue = calculator.dataset.modifierValue
  const secondValue = modifierValue || displayValue

  if (firstValue && operator) {
    const result = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
    display.textContent = result
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = result
    calculator.dataset.modifierValue = secondValue
  } else {
    display.textContent = parseFloat(displayValue) * 1

We can see we need calculator and displayValue in this function. You should know the drill by now :)

function handleEqualKey (calculator) {
  const displayValue = getDisplayValue()
  const { firstValue, operator, modifierValue } = calculator.dataset

  // ...

Using handleEqualKey

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // ...
  switch (buttonType) {
    // ...
    case 'equal': handleEqualKey(calculator, button); break
  // ...

That’s it!