🛠️ Calculator: Refactoring

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🛠️ Calculator: Refactoring

The code we have for the calculator is robust but complicated. Let’s see what we can do to simplify it.

We’ll start with the obvious improvements.

A calculate function

We used this block of code twice to make calculations:

let newResult
if (operator === 'plus') newResult = firstValue + secondValue
if (operator === 'minus') newResult = firstValue - secondValue
if (operator === 'times') newResult = firstValue * secondValue
if (operator === 'divide') newResult = firstValue / secondValue

Let’s put this into a function so it’s easier to understand. We’ll call it calculate.

const calculate = _ => {
  // ...

First, we’ll copy-paste the entire code into calculate.

const calculate = _ => {
  let newResult
  if (operator === 'plus') newResult = firstValue + secondValue
  if (operator === 'minus') newResult = firstValue - secondValue
  if (operator === 'times') newResult = firstValue * secondValue
  if (operator === 'divide') newResult = firstValue / secondValue

calculate needs to return the result, so we create a return statement.

const calculate = _ => {
  let newResult
  if (operator === 'plus') newResult = firstValue + secondValue
  if (operator === 'minus') newResult = firstValue - secondValue
  if (operator === 'times') newResult = firstValue * secondValue
  if (operator === 'divide') newResult = firstValue / secondValue
  return newResult

But we don’t need the newResult variable in the function. We can use an early return pattern instead:

const calculate = _ => {
  if (operator === 'plus') return firstValue + secondValue
  if (operator === 'minus') return firstValue - secondValue
  if (operator === 'times') return firstValue * secondValue
  if (operator === 'divide') return firstValue / secondValue

We know calculate needs three arguments:

  1. firstValue
  2. operator
  3. secondValue

Let’s put these arguments in.

const calculate = (firstValue, operator, secondValue) => {
  if (operator === 'plus') return firstValue + secondValue
  if (operator === 'minus') return firstValue - secondValue
  if (operator === 'times') return firstValue * secondValue
  if (operator === 'divide') return firstValue / secondValue

Here’s how we use calculate:

// In the operator section
if (
  previousButtonType !== 'operator' &&
  previousButtonType !== 'equal' &&
  typeof firstValue === 'number' &&
) {
  const newResult = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
  display.textContent = newResult
  calculator.dataset.firstValue = newResult
} else {
  // ...
// In the equal section
if (typeof firstValue === 'number' && operator) {
  const newResult = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
  display.textContent = newResult
  calculator.dataset.firstValue = newResult
  calculator.dataset.modifierValue = secondValue
} else {
  // ...

Refresh and check your calculator. All tests should pass at this point.

Improving calculate

We need to make sure firstValue and secondValue are numbers before we perform a calculation. Right now, we do this before we use calculate. We do this in both the operator and equal sections.

if (buttonType === 'operator') {
  // ...

  const firstValue = parseFloat(calculator.dataset.firstValue)
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const secondValue = parseFloat(result)

  if (/*...*/) {
    // Calculate goes here
if (buttonType === 'equal') {
  const firstValue = parseFloat(calculator.dataset.firstValue)
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const modifierValue = parseFloat(calculator.dataset.modifierValue)
  const secondValue = modifierValue || parseFloat(result)

  if (/*...*/) {
    // Calculate goes here here

If we use parsteFloat in calculate, we don’t have to use parseFloat in the operator and equal sections.

const calculate = (firstValue, operator, secondValue) => {
  firstValue = parseFloat(firstValue)
  secondValue = parseFloat(secondValue)
  if (operator === 'plus') return firstValue + secondValue
  if (operator === 'minus') return firstValue - secondValue
  if (operator === 'times') return firstValue * secondValue
  if (operator === 'divide') return firstValue / secondValue

Using the code:

if (buttonType === 'operator') {
  // ...
  // Removed need to parseFloat
  const firstValue = calculator.dataset.firstValue
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const secondValue = result

  if (
    previousButtonType !== 'operator' &&
    previousButtonType !== 'equal' &&
    // Removed need to check for numbers with `typeof`
    firstValue &&
  ) {
    const newResult = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
    display.textContent = newResult
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = newResult
  } else {
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = result
  // ...
if (buttonType === 'equal') {
  // Removed need to parseFloat
  const firstValue = calculator.dataset.firstValue
  const operator = calculator.dataset.operator
  const modifierValue = calculator.dataset.modifierValue
  const secondValue = modifierValue || result

  // Removed need to check for numbers with `typeof`
  if (firstValue && operator) {
    const newResult = calculate(firstValue, operator, secondValue)
    display.textContent = newResult
    calculator.dataset.firstValue = newResult
    calculator.dataset.modifierValue = secondValue
  } else {
    display.textContent = parseFloat(result) * 1

Refresh and check your calculator again. All tests should still pass.

Reordering key handling

We handled keys in this order:

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // Number keys
  // Decimal key
  // Operator keys
  // Equal key
  // Clear key

I tried reading the code from top to bottom. When I did this, I realised I get overwhelmed when I reached the clear section. This is normal because the code for operators and equal are quite complicated.

Since we can handle keys in any order, I choose to bring the clear key up in the hierarchy. When I do this, code becomes easier to read. I know the hard parts will come at the bottom.

calculatorButtonsDiv.addEventListener('click', event => {
  // Clear key
  // Number keys
  // Decimal key
  // Operator keys
  // Equal key

Again, refresh the page and make sure all tests pass before you continue.

Refactoring Clear

Here’s what we wrote for the clear section.

if (buttonType === 'clear') {
  if (button.textContent === 'AC') {
    delete calculator.dataset.firstValue
    delete calculator.dataset.operator
    delete calculator.dataset.modifierValue

  display.textContent = '0'
  button.textContent = 'AC'

If you think the clear key looks hard to read, you’re not alone. The order of operations doesn’t make sense to my brain. It goes like this right now:

if (buttonType === 'clear') {
  // If clear key pressed twice, do this
  // If clear key pressed at least once, do that

It’ll make more sense if we flip things around.

if (buttonType === 'clear') {
  // If clear key pressed once, do this.
  // If clear key pressed twice, do that.

First, we’ll bring up the display.textContent and button.textContent lines.

if (buttonType === 'clear') {
  display.textContent = '0'
  button.textContent = 'AC'
  if (button.textContent === 'AC') {
    delete calculator.dataset.firstValue
    delete calculator.dataset.operator
    delete calculator.dataset.modifierValue

We cannot check for the button’s textContent to reset the calculator anymore. We can, however, check if the user pressed the clear key previously.

if (buttonType === 'clear') {
  display.textContent = '0'
  button.textContent = 'AC'
  if (previousButtonType === 'clear') {
    delete calculator.dataset.firstValue
    delete calculator.dataset.operator
    delete calculator.dataset.modifierValue

This is much simpler compared to before!

Changing variable names

We use the variable result to signify the displayed value from the calculator.

const result = display.textContent

This can make things confusing because result usually signifies the result (after processing). We should use variable name like displayValue instead. displayValue is better because it describes the value it stores.

Let’s change all instances of result into displayValue. If you use Visual Studio Code, you can change all affected instances of a variable by pressing f2.

Changed all instances of result into display value.

Now, when we make a calculation, we can use result instead of newResult. We’ll change all instances of newResult to result as well.

Changed newResult to result in the operator section
Changed newResult to result in the equal section

That’s it!

There’s is one more thing I’d like to refactor. But before that, we need to introduce the switch statement.