Changing Text and HTML

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Changing Text and HTML

You can change the text or HTML of any element you’ve selected. To do so, you use two methods:

  1. innerHTML
  2. textContent


textContent lets you change the text of an Element.

const element = document.querySelector('div')
element.textContent = 'Hello world!'

The DOM updates automatically when you change textContent.


innerHTML lets you change the HTML inside an element.

const element = document.querySelector('div')
element.innerHTML = '<p class="red">The quick brown fox ...</p>'

You can create complicated HTML that spans multiple lines with the help of template literals.

const element = document.querySelector('div')
element.innerHTML =
Screenshot of the DOM that shows the four list items
You can change `innerHTML` and the DOM will update.

textContent vs innerHTML

If you want to change text, always use textContent because textContent is faster than innerHTML.

If you want to change the HTML inside an element, use innerHTML.


Try the following:

  1. Change an element’s text with textContent
  2. Change an element’s inner HTML with innerHTML


  • Change an element’s text with textContent
const element = document.querySelector('.element')
element.textContent = 'New text!'
  • Change an element’s inner HTML with innerHTML
const element = document.querySelector('.element')
element.innerHTML = '<strong>Bold text!</strong>'