🛠️ Countdown timer: JavaScript

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🛠️ Countdown timer: JavaScript

To start a countdown, you need to learn how to count time in JavaScript.

Counting time

In JavaScript, we count time with milliseconds.

  • 1 second is 1000 milliseconds
  • 1 minute is 1000 * 60 = 60000 milliseconds
  • 1 hour is 1000 * 60 * 60 = 3600000 milliseconds
  • 1 day is 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 = 8640000 milliseconds

It can be difficult to remember these numbers. One easy way to remember them is to put them into a function.

const toMilliseconds = (unit) => {
  const seconds = 1000
  const minutes = seconds * 60
  const hours = minutes * 60
  const days = hours * 24

  if (unit === 'seconds') return seconds
  if (unit === 'minutes') return minutes
  if (unit === 'hours') return hours
  if (unit === 'days') return days

Using toMilliseconds:

console.log(toMilliseconds('seconds')) // 1000
console.log(toMilliseconds('minutes')) // 60000
console.log(toMilliseconds('hours')) // 360000
console.log(toMilliseconds('days')) // 8640000

Counting the difference between two times

Let’s say you have two times that are 10 seconds apart.

const date1 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 10)
const date2 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

You use the difference in timestamps to count the number of seconds between them.

const difference = date1.getTime() - date2.getTime()
console.log(difference) // 10000

You can also subtract one date by another date to get the difference in milliseconds.

const difference = date1 - date2
console.log(difference) // 10000

To calculate the number of seconds between them, you divide the difference by 1000. You can also use toMilliseconds('seconds') to make it easier for you.

const difference = date1 - date2
const seconds = difference / toMilliseconds('seconds')

console.log(seconds) // 10

Counting in minutes and seconds

Now let’s say your two dates are 10 minutes and 20 seconds apart.

const date1 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 10, 20)
const date2 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

You want to display their differences in minutes and seconds. To get the difference in minutes, you divide difference by 60000. (You can also use toMilliseconds).

const difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = difference / toMilliseconds('minutes')

console.log(minutes) // 10.33333333333333

We know there’s a difference of 10.333 minutes. To get 10, you need to use Math.floor, which rounds down a number.

const difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

console.log(minutes) // 10

There are two methods to get the 20 seconds that’s left:

  1. The subtraction method
  2. The modulus method

The subtraction method

We know the difference between date1 and date2 is 10 minutes 20 seconds. In milliseconds, the difference is 620000

const difference = date1 - date2
console.log(difference) // 620000

To get the remaining difference, you subtract the difference by the number of minutes. (In milliseconds of course).

const difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
const remainder = difference - minutes * toMilliseconds('minutes')

console.log(remainder) // 20000

Then, you get number of seconds by dividing the remaining difference by 1000.

const seconds = Math.floor(remainder / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
console.log(seconds) // 20

Here’s the subtraction method in full:

let difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

difference = difference - minutes * toMilliseconds('minutes')
const seconds = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

The modulus method

The modulus operator (%) gives you the remainder of a division.

console.log(24 % 10) // 4
Dividing 24 by 10 gives 4 as a remainder

You can get the remaining timestamp with the modulus operator:

const difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

const remainder = difference % toMilliseconds('minutes')
console.log(remainder) // 20000

To get seconds, you divide remainder by 1000.

const seconds = Math.floor(remainder / toMilliseconds('seconds'))
console.log(seconds) // 20

The modulus method in full:

const difference = date1 - date2
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
const seconds = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('minutes') / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

Counting in hours, minutes, and seconds

Now let’s say your dates are 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 20 seconds apart.

const date1 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 1, 10, 20)
const date2 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

The difference between them (in milliseconds) is: 4220000

const difference = date1 - date2
console.log(difference) // 4220000

To get the number of hours between them, you divide the difference by 3600000.

const difference = date1 - date2
const hours = difference / toMilliseconds('hours')

console.log(hours) // 1.1722222222222223

As before, we want to get 1 from 1.17222. The remaining should be written in minutes and seconds. To get 1, you can use Math.floor.

const difference = date1 - date2
const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))

console.log(hours) // 1

To get the remaining difference in minutes and seconds, you can use the subtraction or modulus method.

The subtraction method

First, we need to know the remaining difference in milliseconds.

let difference = date1 - date2
const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))

difference = difference - hours * toMilliseconds('hours')
console.log(difference) // 620000

Then, we get the number of minutes.

difference = difference - hours * toMilliseconds('hours')
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

console.log(minutes) // 10

Then we get the remaining difference (again, in milliseconds):

difference = difference - minutes * toMilliseconds('minutes')
console.log(difference) // 20000

Then, we get the number of seconds

const seconds = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(seconds) // 20

The subtraction method in full:

let difference = date1 - date2
const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))

difference = difference - hours * toMilliseconds('hours')
const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

difference = difference - minutes * toMilliseconds('minutes')
const seconds = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(hours) // 1
console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

The modulus method

First, you use % to get the remaining timestamp after calculating hours.

const difference = date1 - date2
const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))

const remainderForMin = difference % toMilliseconds('hours')
console.log(remainder) // 620000

Next, you use remainderForMin get the number of minutes.

const minutes = Math.floor(remainderForMin / toMilliseconds('minutes'))

console.log(minutes) // 10

To get the remaining difference after minutes, you use % on the original difference. This time, you set the divisor to 60000. This works because 1 hour is simply 60 minutes.

Getting the remainder for minutes and seconds
const remainderForSeconds = difference % toMilliseconds('minutes')
console.log(remainderForSeconds) // 20000

Then you get the number of seconds.

const remainderForSeconds = difference % toMilliseconds('minutes')
const seconds = Math.floor(remainderForSeconds / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

The modulus method in full:

const difference = date1 - date2
const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))
const minutes = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('hours') / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
const seconds = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('minutes') / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(hours) // 1
console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

Counting in days, hours, minutes, and seconds

Now, let’s say your dates are 5 days, 1 hour, 10 minutes and 20 seconds apart.

const date1 = new Date(2019, 0, 6, 1, 10, 20)
const date2 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

You can use the same process above to get day, hour, minute, and second values.

The subtraction method:

let difference = date1 - date2

const days = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('days'))
difference = difference - days * toMilliseconds('days')

const hours = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('hours'))
difference = difference - hours * toMilliseconds('hours')

const minutes = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
difference = difference - minutes * toMilliseconds('minutes')

const seconds = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(days) // 5
console.log(hours) // 1
console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

The modulus method:

const difference = date1 - date2
const days = Math.floor(difference / toMilliseconds('days'))
const hours = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('days') / toMilliseconds('hours'))
const minutes = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('hours') / toMilliseconds('minutes'))
const seconds = Math.floor(difference % toMilliseconds('minutes') / toMilliseconds('seconds'))

console.log(days) // 5
console.log(hours) // 1
console.log(minutes) // 10
console.log(seconds) // 20

A function to count

Let’s make it easy to get the countdown values in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. We’ll make a function called getCountdown and we’ll put the steps above into it.

const getCountdown = (endDate, startDate) => {
  // Use either the subtraction method or the modulus method

  return {

Populating the Countdown

To populate the Countdown component, you need to get the values first. For now, we’ll set the difference to these two dates:

const date1 = new Date(2019, 0, 6, 1, 10, 20)
const date2 = new Date(2019, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

You can use getCountdown to get values.

const values = getCountdown(date1, date2)

To populate the Countdown component, you need to change the textContent of the appropriate .timer__box.

const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.timer__box')

boxes.forEach(box => {
  const unit = box.dataset.unit
  const value = values[unit]
  box.firstElementChild.textContent = value

And VoilĂ !

Populated Countdown component with values.

Counting down

Counting down makes sense only if you’re counting from now to a certain date. That means one of the values must be now.

const now = new Date()

Let’s say we want to count to the end of the month.

const now = new Date()
const nextMonth = new Date(
  now.getMonth() + 1,

Populating the DOM with the new figures:

const values = getCountdown(nextMonth, now)
const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.timer__box')

boxes.forEach(box => {
  const unit = box.dataset.unit
  const value = values[unit]
  box.firstElementChild.textContent = value
Countdown to end of the month

To countdown, we need to do two these things every second:

  1. Get a new set of values from getCountdown
  2. Change the DOM

To perform something every second, we can use setInterval.

const now = new Date()
const nextMonth = new Date(
  now.getMonth() + 1,

setInterval(_ => {
  const now = new Date()
  const values = getCountdown(nextMonth, now)
  const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.timer__box')

  boxes.forEach(box => {
    const unit = box.dataset.unit
    const value = values[unit]
    box.firstElementChild.textContent = value
}, 1000)
Counting down.

Notice the placeholder values (20 days, 20 hours, 20 minutes, and 20 seconds) before the actual countdown started?

This happened because the callback in setInterval begins only after a second. We need to change the DOM before setInterval. The easiest way is to create a function to update the countdown boxes.

const updateBoxes = (endDate) => {
  const now = new Date()
  const values = getCountdown(endDate, now)
  const boxes = document.querySelectorAll('.timer__box')

  boxes.forEach(box => {
  	const unit = box.dataset.unit
  	const value = values[unit]
  	box.firstElementChild.textContent = value

// ...

setInterval(updateBoxes, 1000, nextMonth)
Removed 1 second delay before countdown begins.

Updating the countdown target

The last thing we want to do is update the countdown target with correct value. You can use toLocaleString to do this.

const target = document.querySelector('.countdown__target')
target.textContent = `
  ${nextMonth.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
    year: 'numeric',
    month: 'long',
    day: 'numeric'
Setting countdown target.

Don’t forget about the datetime attribute!

target.dataset.datetime = nextMonth.toLocaleString('en-GB', { year: 'numeric' }) +
  '-' + nextMonth.toLocaleString('en-GB', { month: '2-digit' }) +
  '-' + nextMonth.toLocaleString('en-GB', { day: '2-digit' })
Setting the countdown target's datetime attribute.

Here’s a function to set the countdown target’s text and datetime attribute:

const setCountdownTarget = (date) => {
  const target = document.querySelector('.countdown__target')
  target.textContent = `
    ${date.toLocaleString('en-GB', {
      year: 'numeric',
      month: 'long',
      day: 'numeric'

  target.dataset.datetime = date.toLocaleString('en-GB', { year: 'numeric' }) +
    '-' + date.toLocaleString('en-GB', { month: '2-digit' }) +
    '-' + date.toLocaleString('en-GB', { day: '2-digit' })

That’s it!