Creating Derivative Objects

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Creating Derivative Objects

When people talk about Inheritance, they generally mean Classical Inheritance. It’s a process where you create a derivative class from another class. The derivative class is called a subclass.

This process can also be called subclassing.

Classical Inheritance looks like this in most programming languages:

class Thing extends AnotherThing {
  // ...

This means:

  1. Thing is derived from AnotherThing.
  2. Thing should have all the properties and methods from AnotherThing.
  3. You can overwrite AnotherThing's properties and methods in Thing

Classical Inheritance vs Prototypal Inheritance

Programmers like to compare Classical Inheritance vs Prototypal Inheritance. This comparison makes no sense within JavaScript alone. It only makes sense when you compare it to another programming language (like Java).

Why? Because JavaScript doesn’t have Classical Inheritance. In JavaScript, You can only inherit via:

  1. Copy-pasting (Concatenative Inheritance)
  2. Delegation via Prototypes (Prototypal Delegation/Prototypal Inheritance)

This remains true even if you use the extends keyword to extend classes in JavaScript.

Creating a derivative object in JavaScript

Let’s say you want to create a Developer. A Developer is a Human who can code. We can use the extends keyword to inherit all methods and properties from Human.

class Developer extends Human {
  // ...

Let’s create an instance at this point.

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')
Developer instance.

You can see from this instance that:

  • It has a firstName and lastName property (uses Concatenative Inheritance)
  • It has a sayName method two levels up the Prototype Chain (uses Prototypal Inheritance)

So JavaScript doesn’t let you do Classical Inheritance. There’s no point discussing Classical vs Prototypal Inheritance if you’re concerned about writing better JavaScript.

What does Classical Inheritance look like in JavaScript? I don’t know. There’s no way to tell.

Understanding class and extends

We only wrote Developer extends Human so far. How did firstName, lastName get into Developer?

// What we wrote
class Developer extends Human {
  // ...

firstName and lastName were copy-pasted into Developer because extends runs a constructor function behind the scenes. It looks like this:

class Developer extends Human {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    super(firstName, lastName)

super refers to the Human. It calls Human's constructor inside Developer's constructor.

Note: If you omit constructor, the derivative class (Developer) will use parent class’s (Human) constructor automatically.

Adding properties and methods to a derivative class

You can add properties and methods to Developer in two ways:

  1. Copy-pasting
  2. Delegation via Prototypes

Adding properties with Copy-pasting

You can copy-paste properties into instances by writing the property inside a constructor function.

Let’s say a Developer knows how to code. We’ll add a code function inside the constructor.

class Developer extends Human {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {
    super(firstName, lastName)

    this.code = function (thing) {
      console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

We can create an instance. Notice the code method is copy-pasted into the instance.

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')
Copy-pasted `code` into the instance.

We can call the code method and it will work.


Note: super must come first in the constructor function. You’ll get an error if you don’t write super first.

class Developer extends Human {
  constructor(firstName, lastName) {

    // Results in an error because super didn't come first
    this.code = function (thing) {
      console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

    super(firstName, lastName)

Adding properties with Prototypal Delegation

You can add a property via Prototypal Delegation by writing the property inside the class.

class Developer extends Human {
  code (thing) {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

Let’s create an instance.

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')

Notice code is in the Prototype.

code method inside prototype.

We can call code and it will work.


When should you Copy-paste? When should you Delegate?

You should Copy-paste when instances need their own unique values (like firstName and lastName).

You can Delegate when instances can share the same value. In the Developer example, we can delegate the code method. We can also delegate a jobTitle property (if we assume all developers are hired as developers).

class Developer extends Human {
  jobTitle = 'developer',
  code (thing) {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

Creating Derivatives with the Constructor Syntax

Since Classes are syntactic sugars for Constructors, we should be able to create the same derivative constructor from a parent constructor.

Let’s learn to do this.

First, we’ll take a picture of a Developer instance created with a class. This will serve as our benchmark for recreating inheritance with constructor functions.

// Human class
class Human {
  constructor (firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName
    this.lastName = lastName

  sayName () {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`)

// Developer class
class Developer extends Human {
  code (thing) {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')
Instance of Developer.

There are a couple of steps:

  1. Create the Human constructor
  2. Create the Developer constructor
  3. Link Developer prototype to Human's Prototype.
  4. Set Developer.prototype.constructor to Developer
  5. Add methods to Developer.prototype

Creating the Human Constructor

First, we’ll create the Human constructor.

function Human (firstName, lastName) {
  this.firstName = firstName
  this.lastName = lastName

Each Human can say their name. We’ll create a sayName method in the prototype.

Human.prototype.sayName = function () {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`)

Creating the Developer Constructor

A Developer is a derivative of a Human, so Developer should inherit properties and methods from Human.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  // ... Inherit from Human

We can make Developer inherit from Human by calling the Human constructor.

Since Human uses this in the constructor, we need to change this to the Developer’s instance. We do this with call.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {, firstName, lastName)

Let’s pause and create a Developer instance at this point.

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')
Constructor instance at this point.

Let’s compare the Constructor syntax and Class syntax at this point.

Constructor vs Class syntax.

You can see that:

  1. Constructor instance has a Prototype that points to Object.
  2. Class instance has a Prototype that points to Human.

Our Developer instance cannot use sayName yet because sayName is not part of Object's prototype. It is part of Human's prototype.


If we want to allow Developer instances to use sayName, we need to link the Developer’s Prototype to Human’s prototype.

Linking Developer’s Prototype to Human’s Prototype

The most obvious way is to set Developer.prototype to Human.prototype

// Don't do this
Developer.prototype = Human.prototype

If you do this, you’re saying both Developer.prototype and Human.prototype are the same object. If you mutate one prototype, the other prototype will also be mutated at the same time.

// Adds method to Developer prototype
Developer.prototype.code = function (thing) {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

// Logs Human.prototype
`Human.prototype` mutated. It contains the `code` method.

The second way is to set Developer.prototype as an instance of Human. This is okay, but not ideal.

// This is okay, but not ideal.
Developer.prototype = new Human()

It’s not ideal because Developer instances will have undefined firstName and lastName in the Prototype.

const zell = new Developer('Zell, Liew')
Undefined firstName and lastName properties in the Prototype

We don’t want to add unnecessary properties to the prototype. To fix this, we need an intermediate constructor, which brings us to the third (and best) method.

The third method is to combine Methods 1 and 2. We’ll use an intermediary constructor to create the prototype we want.

Here’s what it looks like:

function InterimConstructor () {}

InterimConstructor.prototype = Human.prototype
Developer.prototype = new InterimConstructor()

This method is so important, JavaScript baked this process into a method called Object.create.

Here’s what Object.create does underneath the hood.

Object.create = function(object) {
  function InterimConstructor () {}
  InterimConstructor.prototype = object
  return new InterimConstructor()

We can then link Developer’s prototype to Human’s prototype with Object.create.

// Right way to link prototypes
Developer.prototype = Object.create(Human.prototype)

Here’s a comparison between an instance with our current Constructor syntax and an instance with the Class syntax:

const zell = new Developer('Zell', 'Liew')
Constructor vs Class syntax.

Add the constructor property

We want to add the constructor property in the Developer.prototype. This should point back to the Developer constructor.

Developer.prototype.constructor = Developer

With this, inheritance with the constructor syntax is complete. Here’s a comparison between the two instances now.

Adding methods into the Developer’s Prototype

Finally, we’ll add the code method to Developer.prototype.

Developer.prototype.code = function (thing) {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)
Inheritance complete.

Overview of the process

Here’s all the code you need to create Human and Developer with the Constructor syntax.

// ========================
// Human Constructor
// ========================
function Human (firstName, lastName) {
  this.firstName = firstName
  this.lastName = lastName

Human.prototype.sayName = function () {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`)

// ========================
// Developer Constructor
// ========================
function Developer (firstName, lastName) {, firstName, lastName)

Developer.prototype = Object.create(Human.prototype)
Developer.prototype.constructor = Developer

Developer.prototype.code = function (thing) {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

Constructors vs Classes

Many people argue you shouldn’t use Classes because Classes are syntactic sugar over Constructors.

But the choice is obvious if you have to choose between a Constructor vs a Class. The Class syntax is much simpler. You need 2 blocks of code to create derivative objects. On the other hand, you need 5 blocks of code to create a derivative object from a Constructor.

Constructor: 5 blocks of code. Class: 2 blocks of code.

Creating a derivative object with OLOO

First, we need to create the base Human object:

const Human = {
  init (firstName, lastName) {
    this.firstName = firstName
    this.lastName = lastName
    return this

  sayName () {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`)

We use Object.create to create the derivative object.

const Developer = Object.create(Human)

Then we use Object.create again to create instances.

const zell = Object.create(Developer).init('Zell', 'Liew')

Adding properties to the derivative object

We can modify the derivative object to add properties. Let’s add code to Developer.

Developer.code = function (thing) {
  console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

Instances will now be able to use code.

const zell = Object.create(Developer).init('Zell', 'Liew')
Zell coded website.

A nicer syntax

Imagine you want to add three methods to a derivative object. You’ll have to modify the derivative object three times.

Developer.code = function () {/* ... */}
Developer.anotherMethod = function () {/* ... */}
Developer.thirdMethod = function () {/* ... */}

We can group all these methods with Object.assign.

const Developer = Object.create(Human)
Object.assign(Developer, {
  code () {/* ... */},
  anotherMethod () {/* ... */},
  thirdMethod () {/* ... */}

Here’s a comparison between an OLOO instance and a Class instance.

OLOO vs Class syntax.

You’ll notice two differences:

  1. OLOO Prototypes don’t point to a named object while Class Prototypes do.
  2. OLOO don’t have the constructor property while Class does.

We don’t use constructor in the OLOO methodology, so there’s no need to add constructor back to the Prototype.

Creating a derivative object with Factory Functions

First, we need to create a Human factory.

function Human (firstName, lastName) {
  return {
    firstName: firstName,
    lastName: lastName,
    sayName () {
      console.log(`${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`)

To create the derivative object, we create another Factory Function.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  // ...

We will create a Human instance in Developer.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  const developer = Human(firstName, lastName)

And we’ll return this new instance.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  const developer = Human(firstName, lastName)
  return developer

Adding properties to the derivative object

We can add properties to the derivative object by modifying the Human instance.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  const developer = Human(firstName, lastName)
  developer.code = function (thing) {
    console.log(`${this.firstName} coded ${thing}`)

  return developer

We can then create a Developer instance by running the factory.

const zell = Developer('Zell', 'Liew')

Here’s a comparison between a Factory Function instance and a Class instance.

Factory Function vs Class

Here’s the major difference: Factory functions don’t use Prototypal Delegation. All properties are copied directly into the instance.

Why Factory Functions don’t use Prototypal Delegation

Factory Functions cannot use Prototypal Delegation by themselves. (I talked about this in the Inheritance lesson). They can only use Prototypal Delegation with one of the other three flavours.

If you need to use one of the other flavours, you might as well stick to that flavour instead.

A nicer syntax

Like OLOO, you can also use Object.assign to add multiple properties to the developer factory.

function Developer (firstName, lastName) {
  const developer = Human(firstName, lastName)

  return Object.assign(developer, {
    code () {/* ... */},
    anotherMethod () {/* ... */},
    thirdMethod () {/* ... */}