Understanding curl

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Understanding curl

When you read API documentation, you may see requests made by a tool called curl. Here’s an example from Github:

Github uses curl for their documentation

Many APIs explain their documentation through curl. You’ll be able to understand every API documentation if you know curl.

What is curl

Curl is command line program that lets you send requests.

You can access the command line with the “Terminal” app if you use a Mac. If you use Windows, you can use Command Prompt.

The command line looks scary, but there’s nothing to be afraid of. Here’s an article I wrote that can help you out if you’re scared.

Installing curl

Type curl --version into your command line.

curl --version

If you see a version number, it means you have curl installed. You can move on to the next section.

If you see a “command not found” error, you will need to install curl first.

Sending requests

To send a GET request with curl, you type curl, followed by the endpoint.

curl https://api.github.com

If the server sends you a response, you will see the body of the response in your command line.

Response from a GET Request made by curl
Curl shows you the response body

Query parameters

If you want to add query parameters to your request, you need to prepend question marks and equal signs with \. Most command line applications will prepend \ for you automatically. This is because ? and = are special characters in the command line.

curl https://api.github.com/users/zellwk/repos\?per_page\=1
Response with query parameters

Sending POST requests

To send POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE requests, you use a -X flag. Make sure the X in -X is a capital letter. The flags are case sensitive.

curl -X POST https://api.github.com/user/repos
Sending a POST request
Sending a POST request

The flag order doesn’t matter. You can put it before or after the url.

curl https://api.github.com/user/repos -X POST


You can perform basic authentication with the -u flag.

curl -X POST -u username:password https://api.github.com/user/repos
Basic auth with Curl
Basic auth with Curl

Notice the error message changed from “requires authentication” to “problems parsing JSON”. This tells us the authentication is successful.

If you want to authenticate yourself through a token, you need to set an authorization header.

Setting request headers

You can set request headers with -H.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer token_12345" https://api.github.com

To set a second request header, you use another -H.

curl -H "header1: value1" -H "header2: value2" https://api.github.com

To see your own request headers, you can use -v. Your request headers will be prefixed with >.

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer token_12345" https://api.github.com
Request headers are prefixed with `>`
Request headers are prefixed with `>`

Viewing response headers

You can also use -v to see response headers. Response headers will be prefixed with <.

Response headers are prefixed with `<`
Response headers are prefixed with `<`

If you want to view the response headers only, you can use -I.

curl -I -H "Authorization: Bearer token_12345" https://api.github.com
View only response headers with -I
View only response headers with -I

Sending body

To send body data, you use -d. Curl will send your data as x-www-form-urlencoded.

curl -X POST https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts -d title='Article title' -d body='shameless plug'
Send body with `-d`
Send body with `-d`

If you need to encode a value, use --data-urlencode

curl -X POST https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts -d title='Article title' -d body='shameless plug' --data-urlencode link=https://google.com
Use --data-urlencode to encode urls
Use `--data-urlencode` to encode urls

Line breaks

If it makes sense, you can break lines up with \. Make sure there are no spaces after each \.

curl -X POST https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts \
-d title='Article title' \
-d body='shameless plug' \
--data-urlencode link=https://google.com
Example of a request with line breaks
You can make your requests easier to read with line breaks.

A cheat sheet

Here’s a table to make the commands easier to look up.

Flag Purpose
-d Sends data
-H Set request headers
-I View response headers
-v Verbose mode (view request headers, response headers, and body)
-u Basic authentication
-X Sets method

More curl flags

The flags I taught you above should be enough for most use cases. If you want to find out more about curl, you can read its documentation.


  1. Send a GET request with curl
  2. Do basic authentication with curl
  3. Do token based authentication with curl
  4. Send a POST request with curl