When used in an Object Oriented Programming context, getters can be privileged methods that return a private variable. We’ll use the Car example to illustrate this point.
First, we’ll create a getter function. We’ll call this function fuel. In this fuel getter, we will return the private variable, fuel.
function Car () {
const fuel = 50
return {
get fuel () { return fuel }
Car instances should now be able to get fuel (the private variable) with the fuel getter.
const car = new Car()
console.log(car.fuel) // 50
If you console.log a Car instance, you should see a fuel property. But the value of this fuel property is hidden behind (...) in Chrome Devtools. If you’re using Firefox, you’ll see >> instead of (...).
If you hover over the (...) or >> symbol, you’ll see “invoke getter”.
Although users can get fuel (the private variable) with fuel (the getter function), they cannot change fuel (the private variable) and break our Car implementation.
const car = new Car()
car.fuel = 5000 // This line does nothing
console.log(car.fuel) // fuel remains at 50
We can prove that fuel (the getter) was called if we create a console.log statement.
function Car () {
const fuel = 50
return {
get fuel () {
console.log('Getting amount of fuel')
return fuel
const car = new Car()
car.fuel = 5000 // This line does nothing
console.log(car.fuel) // fuel remains at 50
If we want to let users change fuel with car.fuel, we need a Setter function. (More on this later).
Why use Getters?
Two reasons: Convenience and memorability.
Which would you rather use? car.fuel or car.getFuel()? Most likely, you’d choose car.fuel because it’s shorter and easier to remember.
It’s also easier to use car.fuel because we’re used to getting values from objects this way.
Setters are like getters. Except they let you set values. To use setters, you write a set keyword, followed by a function. The set function takes in one variable.
let string = 'Hello World!'
const object = {
set property (newValue) { string = newValue }
object.property = 'Good Morning!'
console.log(string) // Good Morning!
When used in an Object Oriented Programming context, setters can be used as privileged methods to modify private variables. Again, we’ll use the Car example to illustrate this point.
First, we’ll create a fuel setter function.
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
return {
get fuel () {/* ... */}
set fuel (amount) {/* ... */}
This fuel (the setter) should modify fuel (the private variable).
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
return {
// ...
set fuel (amount) {
fuel = amount
The fuel’s tank maximum capacity is 100 litres. If the user pours in an excessive amount, we reset the tank back to 100 litres.
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
return {
// ...
set fuel (amount) {
fuel = amount
if (fuel > 100) {
console.log('Fuel Tank Capacity is 100 litres. Pouring away excess fuel')
fuel = 100
We can now set the fuel (the private variable) using the fuel property. Any excess fuel will be poured away.
const car = new Car()
car.fuel = 5000
We should also be able to check the amount of fuel with the fuel getter.
const car = new Car()
car.fuel = 5000
The addFuel method
We still want an addFuel method because it lets users add fuel into the car.
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
return {
// ...
addFuel (amount) {/* ... */}
addFuel is much easier to write now. We can delegate the task to the fuel setter method.
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
return {
// ...
// this.fuel uses the fuel setter method
addFuel (amount) { this.fuel = fuel + amount }
We can now add fuel into the car.
const car = new Car()
console.log(car.fuel) // 80
Getters and Setters in other flavours
Constructor Syntax
Getters and Setters must be written inside an object. You can add Getters and Setters to a constructor via Object.assign
function Car () {
let fuel = 50
Object.assign(this, {
get fuel () {/* ... */}
set fuel (amount) {/* ... */}
You can also use getters and setters in the prototype.
function Car () {
// ...
Object.assign(Car.prototype, {
get property () {/* ... */}
set property (value) {/* ... */}
Class Syntax
You can write Getters and Setters as normal methods inside a class syntax. Getters and Setters defined this way will automatically be added to the Prototype.
class Car {
#fuel = 50
get fuel () { /* ... */ }
set fuel (amount) { /* ... */ }
You can write Getters and Setters as normal methods inside OLOO.
const Car = {
init () {
let fuel = 50
return {
get fuel () {/* ... */}
set fuel (amount) {/* ... */}