Understanding JSON

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Understanding JSON

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.

We use JSON as the main format to pass information between browsers and servers today.

A JSON Object looks like a JavaScript object. The major difference between JSON and JavaScript is

  1. JSON can only contain strings
  2. JSON property and value pairs are always wrapped with double quotes

Here’s an example of a JSON object (that’s formatted for you to read).

  "firstName": "Zell",
  "lastName": "Liew",
  "occupation": "developer",
  "age": "30"

JavaScript <-> JSON

To convert a JavaScript object to JSON, we use JSON.stringify.

const macbook = {
  operatingSystem: 'macOS Sierra',
  screenResolution: '2880x1800',
  usbPorts: 2

const jsonMac = JSON.stringify(macbook)

If you log jsonMac into the console, you’ll see a string.

Log of jsonMac
Converting from JavaScript to JSON

To convert JSON to JavaScript, we use JSON.parse.

const jsMac = JSON.parse(jsonMac)

If you log jsMac into the console, you’ll see a JavaScript object.

Log of jsMac
Converting JSON to JavaScript

Parsing the response from XMLHttpRequest

Github responded with a list of my repositories in the previous lesson. This list can be found in the response property.

Response from Github
Response from Github

The value for this response property is formatted in JSON. Before we can do anything with the JSON, we need to convert it to JavaScript. This process of interpreting and converting values is called parsing.

request.addEventListener('load', e => {
  const repos = JSON.parse(e.target.response)
A list of my repositories
A list of my repositories

Massaging the data

Github gave us a lot of data. We have an array of 30 objects. Each object contains information about a Github repository.

Information about a repo is contained in each object
Information about a repo is contained in each object

Github sent us a lot of information! This information can feel overwhelming. That is why the first thing we do is reduce the information to what we need. Some developers call this process massaging the data.

To massage the data, you need to know what data we need. That would depend on what you are trying to do.

For our case, let’s say we want to display a list of my Github repositories in the DOM. We want to know three things:

  1. The name of the repository
  2. The number of stars it has
  3. The link to the repository

We want to create a list that looks like this:

  <li><a href="link-to-repo1">Name of repo1 (# of stars)</a></li>
  <li><a href="link-to-repo2">Name of repo2 (# of stars)</a></li>
  <li><a href="link-to-repo3">Name of repo3 (# of stars)</a></li>
  <li><a href="link-to-repo4">Name of repo4 (# of stars)</a></li>

The first step is to extract the information we need. If you comb through all property and value pairs, you’ll see we need these properties:

  1. Name of the repo—name
  2. Number of starsstargazer_count
  3. Link to the repo—html_url

We can create a new array that contains only the information we need with map.

const data = repos.map(repo => {
  return {
    name: repo.name,
    url: repo['html_url'],
    stars: repo['stargazers_count']
Massaged data
Massaged data

Once we have the data we need, we can create a list element, edit the list’s innerHTML, and append it to the DOM.

const ol = document.createElement('ol')

ol.innerHTML = data.map(repo => {
  return `<li>
      <a href="${repo.url}">${repo.name} (${repo.stars} stars)</a>

List of repositories displayed in the DOM
List of repositories displayed in the DOM


Answer these questions:

  1. What is JSON?
  2. How do you convert JavaScript to JSON?
  3. How do you convert JSON back to JavaScript?

Do this:

  1. Fetch my Github repositories
  2. Create an array of repositories that have more than 50 stars
  3. Display this list in the DOM


  • Answer these questions:
  1. What is JSON? JavaScript object notation
  2. How do you convert JavaScript to JSON? JSON.stringify(object)
  3. How do you convert JSON back to JavaScript? JSON.parse(jsonString)
  • Do this:
  1. Fetch my Github repositories
  2. Create an array of repositories that have more than 50 stars
  3. Display this list in the DOM
const request = new XMLHttpRequest()
request.addEventListener('load', ev => {
  const repos = JSON.parse(ev.target.response)
  const htmlString = repos.map(repo => {
    return {
      name: repo.name,
      url: repo['html_url'],
      stars: repo['stargazers_count']
    .filter(repo => repo.stars > 50)
    .map(repo => `<li>${repo.name}: ${repo.stars} stars</li>`)

  const ol = document.createElement('ol')
  ol.innerHTML = htmlString
request.open('get', 'https://api.github.com/users/zellwk/repos')