Keyboard events

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Keyboard events

There are three keyboard events:

  1. keydown
  2. keypress
  3. keyup

keydown and keyup fires when a user presses a key on the keyboard that’s NOT a character key. keydown goes first, followed by keyup. Non-character keys are:

  1. Escape
  2. F1 to F12
  3. Delete (Backspace on PC)
  4. Tab
  5. Caps lock
  6. Modifier keys like Shift, Control, Option (Alt on PC), Command (Windows on PC)
  7. Arrow keys

(You can check for the type of event fired with event.type).

function logEventType (event) {

document.addEventListener('keydown', logEventType)
document.addEventListener('keypress', logEventType)
document.addEventListener('keyup', logEventType)
Logged keydown and keypress when a user press a non-character key.

All three events fire when a user presses a character key. keydown goes first, then keypress, then keyup. Character keys are:

  1. All alphabet characters (A to Z)
  2. All number characters (1, 2, 3, etc.)
  3. All punctuation (,, ., ;, etc.)
Logged all three events when a user press a character key..

Repeating keys

When you hold down a non-character key, the keydown event will fire repeatedly. When you release the non-character key, the keyup event fires.

Holding down a non-character key.

When you hold down a character key, the keydown and keypress events fire repeatedly. When you release the character key, the keyup event fires.

Holding down a character key.

Note: On some platforms (like Ubuntu 9.4, which is very old), all three events fire when you hold down a character key.

The repeat property in the keyboard event tells you whether a key is repeated.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Logs repeating keys.

Keydown or keyup?

  • Use keydown to do something when a user presses down on a key.
  • Use keyup to do something when the user lifts their finger off from a key.

Here are some real examples with default keys:

  • Arrow keys scrolls down the page on keydown.
  • Tab focuses the next focusable element on keydown.
  • Space and Enter trigger click event on a <button> element on keyup.

You can use either event. It’s not a big deal most of the time. Users won’t notice the difference unless they pay special attention.

Keyboard events on focused elements

An element can listen to a keyboard event when it receives focus. (Note: I will only log the keydown event from this point onwards).

button.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Keyboard event logs only on the button element.

Keyboard events bubble up to the document.

button.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  console.log(`From button: ${event.type}`)

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  console.log(`From document: ${event.type}`)
Evidence of bubbling.

In the gif above:

  • The first From document is caused by the tab key. It fires in the document.
  • The From button is fired by a space key on the button.
  • The last From document is caused by bubbling of the event to the document.

Avoid event delegation

You’ll want to avoid event delegation when dealing keyboard events. This is because an event might not fire if the user clicked inside the component (but not on an focusable element).

Example: Let’s say you have this HTML.

  <label for="input">
  <input id="input" type="text" />


  1. User focuses on <input>
  2. Then, user clicks on <form>, but not on <input> or <label>

If the user hits a key after (1), the event will bubble through <input>, <form>, and <document>.

If the user hits a key after (2), the focused element will be <body>. (I’ll explain how to check for the focused element in a later lesson). Since the focused element is <body>, <form> will not receive the keyboard event.

Getting the key that is pressed

You can get the value of a key with two properties:

  1. key
  2. code

key gets the value of the key that is pressed. It is case sensitive. If you press the e, you’ll get e. If you press shift + e, you’ll get E.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Results of key from pressing 'e' and 'E'.

code gets the value of the key on the physical keyboard. This needs some explanation, and I have a good example to show you here.

The keyboard I use is a Qwerty keyboard. It’s the normal keyboard everyone is used to. However, I’ve mapped my keys to the Dvorak keyboard.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Arrangement of keys on a Dvorak Keyboard.

The Dvorak e key in the Qwerty is the d key. When I hit e, code shows keyD.

Results of code from pressing 'e' and 'E' on a Dvorak Keyboard.

To sum up:

  1. Use key in most situations
  2. Use code if you need to get the physical key on the keyboard

Modifier keys

Modifier keys are keys like:

  1. Shift:
  2. Control:
  3. Option: (or Alt on PC)
  4. Command: (or Windows on PC)

You can detect if shift is pressed with event.shiftKey.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Detecting the shift key.

You can detect if control is pressed with event.ctrlKey.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Detecting the control key

You can detect if option (or alt) is pressed with event.altKey.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Detecting the option key

You can detect if a command (or Windows) is pressed with event.metaKey.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
Detecting the command key


You can also use the getModifierState method to get the state of modifiers. You can use it to tell whether Shift, Control, Option, or Command are pressed.

getModifierState takes in an argument. It is a string that represents a modifier key. You can find a list of valid keys here.

In practice, getModifierState is only useful to tell whether the Caps Lock key is turned on.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  const capsOn = getModifierState('CapsLock')

Left or right modifier keys

Modifier keys on the left side of the keyboard have a location property set to 1.

Modifier keys on the right side of the keyboard have a location property set to 2.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  console.log(event.code, event.location)
Logging the location of modifier keys.

Triggering a click on other elements

You can trigger a click event from JavaScript. This is helpful when you create components. I’ll share more about this when you add keyboard interaction to Tabby.