The NOT operator

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The NOT operator

The NOT operator (!) flips truthy and falsey values around. Truthy values becomes false while falsey values become true.

console.log(!22) // false
console.log(!false) // true

The NOT operator can be used to eliminate else statements, like this:

const str = ''

if (!str) {
  // Only do something if string is empty (NOT truthy)

Double negation

You may notice that developers sometimes use two NOT operators together:


!! here is called a double negation. It does the following:

  1. converts a truthy value to true
  2. converts a falsey value to false

It works this way: if the value is truthy, convert it to false with the first ! NOT operator; then, convert false to true again with the second ! NOT operator (and vice versa).

Double negation is used to explicitly cast a truthy or falsey value into a boolean (true or false). You’ll almost never need it.


What’s the result of each of these expressions?

  1. !2550284
  2. !true
  3. !NaN
  4. !{}
  5. !!'Pandas are adorable!'
  6. !!''


What’s the result of each of these expressions?

  1. !2550284. false
  2. !true. false
  3. !NaN. true
  4. !{}. false
  5. !!'Pandas are adorable!'. true
  6. !!''. false