🛠️ Off-canvas: Adding keyboard interaction

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🛠️ Off-canvas: Adding keyboard interaction

In this lesson, you will learn to:

  1. Open the off-canvas menu with the keyboard
  2. Close the off-canvas menu with the keyboard

Before you do anything, add this code to normalize the differences between browser clicks on buttons elements.

document.addEventListener('click', event => {
  if (event.target.matches('button')) {

Opening the off-canvas menu

You don’t have to write any extra code to open the menu. You can open it already.

To open the menu, hit Tab until you focus on the button. Then, hit Space or Enter to open the menu. This works because both Space and Enter trigger a click event on a button.

Opens the Off-canvas menu with the keyboard

Directing focus to the menu

When a user opens the off-canvas menu with a keyboard, they expect to Tab to focus on a menu item.

Right now, if you press Tab after opening the menu, focus does not go into the menu. Instead, it goes to the first Tab you opened in the browser if you’re using Chrome. (If you use Safari, focus goes to the browser’s back button)

This happens because <button> is the last focusable element on the page. If there was another focusable element after <button>, Tab would focus that element instead.

Next Tab goes to the first opened tab on Chrome.

We want to direct focus to the off-canvas menu so users can Tab into a menu item.

To do this, we add tabindex="-1" to the menu. This makes the menu focusable with JavaScript.

<div class="offsite-container">
  <nav class="nav" tabindex="-1">
    <!-- ... -->

Now, we can direct focus to the menu when it opens.

const menu = document.querySelector('.nav')

button.addEventListener('click', event => {
  if (body.classList.contains('offsite-is-open')) {

Here’s how to read the code:

  1. If <body> contains offsite-is-open class, we remove the class. Otherwise, we add the class.
  2. After we add or remove the offsite-is-open class, we check whether <body> contains offsite-is-open again. If <body> contains the class, we focus on menu.

This can be confusing because we changed the DOM with classList.toggle. We can make the code straightforward by NOT using classList.toggle.

button.addEventListener('click', event => {
  if (body.classList.contains('offsite-is-open')) {
  } else {

If you open the menu now, you’ll see this:

Shifts focus to offsite container.

There’s a blue focus ring around .nav because we focused on .nav. But we should not show the blue focus ring because users cannot interact with .nav. We need to hide the blue focus ring.

To do so, we set outline to none. I’m going to add this code to the reset.css file for all components going forward.

[tabindex="-1"] {
  outline: none !important;

Now, if you open the off-canvas menu, you won’t see the blue focus ring. When you hit Tab, you focus on the first menu item.

Removed focus from offsiteContainer.

Closing the off-canvas menu

You can close the menu if you navigate to the <button> and hit Space or Enter.

Tabs until the button gets focus, then closes the menu with space.

But this is too tedious. Nobody would Tab to the <button> element to close the off-canvas menu. We want to provide a way for users to close the menu easily.

One way is to let users close the menu by pressing the Escape key. We can do this by listening to a keydown event.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  if (event.key === 'Escape' && body.classList.contains('offsite-is-open')) {
Closes the menu with the escape key.

When we close the off-canvas menu, we want to return focus back to <button>. This allows users to continue navigating to the rest of the page with Tab.

document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  if (event.key === 'Escape' && body.classList.contains('offsite-is-open')) {
Closes the menu with the escape key.

Quick cleanup

Did you notice we checked for .offsite-is-open twice? Did you also notice we closed the off-canvas menu by removing .offsite-is-open twice?

We can clean up the code by creating two functions here:

  1. A function to check whether the sidebar is opened
  2. A function to close the sidebar
// Checks whether the sidebar is open
const isOffcanvasMenuOpen = _ => {
  return body.classList.contains('offsite-is-open')
// Closes sidebar
const closeOffcanvasMenu = _ => {

Since we have a function that closes the sidebar, let’s make a function that opens the sidebar as well.

// Opens sidebar
const openOffcanvasMenu = _ => {

We can use the three new functions like this:

// In the click event
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
    ? closeOffcanvasMenu()
    : openOffcanvasMenu()
// In the keydown event
document.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  if (isOffcanvasMenuOpen() && event.key === 'Escape') {

Prevent Tab access for hidden elements

Try hitting Tab right after you refresh the page. You will be able to Tab into items inside the off-canvas menu, even when the off-canvas menu is closed.

This is a mistake many developers make with their menu.

Users can tab into the off-canvas menu when it's  closed.

If users cannot interact with an element, they should not be able to focus on it. To prevent users from interacting with inaccessible elements, we can set visibility to hidden.

When we show the off-canvas menu, we need to set visibility back to visible.

.offsite-container {
  visibility: hidden;

.offsite-is-open.offsite-container {
  visibility: visible;

Now, users would not be able to Tab into the menu when it’s hidden.

Prevented users from focusing on the hidden menu.

Unfortunately, we broke the menu’s transition when we added the visibility property. (The sidebar closes abruptly).

We can fix this by adding a transition-delay for visibility.

.offsite-container {
  transition: transform 0.3s ease-out, visibility 0.3s;
  visibility: hidden;

.offsite-is-open .offsite-container {
  transition-delay: visibility 0.3s;
  visibility: visible;

That’s it!