Pointer events

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Pointer events

Pointer Events is a standardised API that lets you support Mouse, Touch events, and all Pointer-like input devices (like pens and stylus) at the same time. There’s no need to use Mouse and Touch events individually anymore.

Pointer Events vs pointer-events

Don’t get confused between the Pointer Events API (JavaScript) and pointer-events CSS property. They’re different things.

I covered pointer-events slightly back in event delegation.

Relationship between Pointer, Mouse, and Touch

Pointer Events contains events from Mouse and Touch events.

Pointer Mouse Touch
pointerdown mousedown touchstart
pointerup mouseup touchend
pointermove mousemove touchmove
pointerenter mouseenter
pointerleave mouseleave
pointerout mouseout
pointerover mouseover
pointercancel touchcancel

Pointer Event Properties

PointerEvent inherits the MouseEvent interface. This means Pointer Events contains all event properties from Mouse Events.

It also has the following new properties:

  1. pointerId: ID for the pointer causing the event.
  2. pointerType: Whether the pointer is a mouse, pen, or touch.
  3. width and height: The pointer’s width and height (in px)
  4. pressure & tangentialPressure: Information about the force that’s causing the event.
  5. tiltX & tiltY: Whether the pointer is tilting
  6. twist: Whether pointer is being rotated
  7. isPrimary: Indicates whether the pointer represents the primary pointer (For example, the left mouse button is the primary mouse button).

Capturing and releasing pointers

You can use setPointerCapture to make ONE element the target for all future pointer events. We’ll use this when we build DragDrop.


You can use releasePointerCapture to release the element from future pointer events. We’ll also use this when we build DragDrop.


Pointer Events Support

Pointer Events is well supported on major browsers.

Pointer Events Support

If you need to support Pointer Events on lesser-known browsers, you can use this polyfill.