🛠️ Popover: Refactor

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🛠️ Popover: Refactor

We wrote pretty good code so far. We can improve it by creating a few functions to make it easier to understand.

Hiding the popover

We used setAttribute to hide the popover in many parts of the code. Here’s an example:

popoverTriggers.forEach(popoverTrigger => {
  // ...
  popover.setAttribute('hidden', true)

We can create a hidePopover function to hide the popover.

const hidePopover = popover => {
  popover.setAttribute('hidden', true)

We’ll use it like this:


Showing the popover

Since we used hidePopover to hide the popover, it makes sense to create a showPopover to show the popover.

const showPopover = popover => {

We’ll use it like this:


Getting focusable elements

We used this to get keyboard focusable elements:

const focusables = [...popover.querySelectorAll(
  'a, button, input, textarea, select, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'

This code can be difficult to parse through. We can create a function called getKeyboardFocusableElements to hold it.

const getKeyboardFocusableElements = element => {
  return [...element.querySelectorAll(
  'a, button, input, textarea, select, [tabindex]:not([tabindex="-1"])'

Using it:

const focusables = getKeyboardFocusableElements(popover)

Getting the popover trigger

We used this code to get the popover trigger twice:

const popoverTrigger = document.querySelector(`.popover-trigger[data-target="${popover.id}"]`)

We can put this into a function to make it easier to understand.

const getPopoverTrigger = popover => {
  return document.querySelector(`.popover-trigger[data-target="${popover.id}"]`)

Using it:

const popoverTrigger = getPopoverTrigger(popover.id)

That’s it!