The Scroll event

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The Scroll event

JavaScript has a scroll event that activates when an element scrolls.

document.addEventListener('scroll', event => {
Scrolls down an empty page. Logs 'Scrolling' into the console.

Getting the scroll position

You can get the document’s (or window’s) scroll position with these two properties:

  • window.scrollX: horizontal scroll position
  • window.scrollY: vertical scroll position
document.addEventListener('scroll', event => {
Scrolls and logs windo scroll position.

You can get the scroll position of an element with these:

  • element.scrollLeft: Element’s horizontal scroll position
  • element.scrollTop: Element’s vertical scroll position

We need to create a scrollable HTML element to demonstrate element.scrollTop and element.scrollLeft. A Scrollable HTML element requires three things:

  1. A fixed height property.
  2. An overflow set to auto or scroll.
  3. Content that exceeds its height.
<div class="scrollable">
  <div> Inner Content </div>
.scrollable {
  overflow: auto;
  height: 300px;
  border: 1px solid black;

/* Places content below the 300px height limit */
.scrollable > div {
  margin-top: 500px;
const element = document.querySelector('.scrollable')
element.addEventListener('scroll', event => {
Creates a scrollable element. Logs the scrollTop value as we scroll down.

Scrolling with JavaScript

You can change the scroll position with the scroll method. It takes in the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) values you want to scroll to.

window.scroll(x, y)

Let’s say we want to scroll the browser’s window to 500px from the top. We can do it this way:

window.scroll(0, 500)

Here’s what it looks like if we click a button to scroll.

const button = document.querySelector('button')
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
  window.scroll(0, 500)
Jumps to a position.

Animating the scroll

You can provide an object (instead of X, Y positions) to scroll. This object can have three properties:

  1. left: X position
  2. top: Y position
  3. behavior: Whether to jump (auto), or animate downwards (smooth).

If you want to animate the scroll position, you need to set behavior to smooth.

const button = document.querySelector('button')
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
    top: 500,
    behavior: 'smooth'
Smooth scrolling.

Safari doesn’t support the smooth behavior. It always jumps to the scrolled position.

Note: You cannot set the easing of the smooth behavior. If you want to specify easing, you need to use a library like Green-sock Animation API.

Scrolling within an element

You scroll to a specific position inside an element with scroll as well.

const button = document.querySelector('button')
button.addEventListener('click', event => {
    top: 500,
    behavior: 'smooth'
Smooth scrolling inside an element

Scrolling by a specific amount

scrollTo scrolls to a specific position on a page. scrollBy scrolls by a specific number of pixels.

  top: 500,
  behavior: 'smooth'

Scrolling to an element

You can scroll to an element with scrollIntoView. It takes in an object with three options:

  • behavior: smooth or auto
  • block: Position of the element you want to scroll to (vertically)
  • inline: Position of the element you want to scroll to (horizontally)

block can take in one of the four values:

  • start (default)
  • end
  • center
  • nearest

start scrolls until the top of the target element reaches the top of the scrollable element. (start is a bit wonky. It forces the outer scrollable element to scroll as well).

Scroll to start of element

end scrolls until the end of the target element reaches the bottom of the scrollable element.

Scroll to end of element

center scrolls until the target element is in the center of the scrollable element.

Scroll and position element in center.

nearest scrolls to start or end, depending on which is nearer.

Scroll to start or end of element, depending on which is nearest.

inline takes in the same four values. Substitute left with top, and right with bottom

  • start: Scroll to the left of the element
  • end: Scroll to the right of the element
  • center: Position the element in the center
  • nearest (default): Scroll to the left or right of the element, depending on which is nearest

Caution about Scroll

The scroll event fires really quickly, as you can see from the GIF below.

Scrolls down an empty page. Logs 'Scrolling' into the console.

Don’t run expensive operations (like changing the DOM with every scroll position) with the scroll event listener. You’ll create jank.