🛠️ Tabby: Building a library

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🛠️ Tabby: Building a library

Let’s start by copying all the code we have into a tabby.js file.

// tabby.js
// Copy-paste all the code we wrote here

We will then import tabby.js into main.js.

<script type="module" src="js/main.js"></script>
import './tabby.js'

Tabby should still work at this point, but we still have more work to do.

Resolving button inconsistencies

This is optional: But we can choose to move the part about button inconsistency back to main.js. We can do this because it’s not strictly a part of Tabby. It’s more of a global fix.

// Resolve browser inconsistencies when clicking on buttons
document.addEventListener('click', event => {
  if (event.target.matches('button')) {

Whether you move it is a personal choice though.

In my case, I chose to move the code back into main.js.

Creating multiple instances

Right now, our code supports only one instance of Tabby. We only support one instance because we used querySelector instead of querySelectorAll.

// This finds one `.tabby` only.
const tabby = document.querySelector('.tabby')

If we want to support multiple Tabby instances, we need to select multiple tabby instances with querySelectorAll.

// tabby.js
const tabbies = [...document.querySelectorAll('.tabby')]

tabbies.forEach(tabby => {
  const tabsList = tabby.querySelector('[role="tablist"]')
  const tabs = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"]')]
  const tabPanels = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tabpanel"]')]

  // All functions here
  // All event listeners here

If there are no Tabby instances present on the page, we don’t need to execute any code. We can check if Tabby instances exists with an if statement.

// tabby.js
const tabbies = document.querySelectorAll('.tabby')

if (tabbies.length > 0) {
  tabbies.forEach(tabby => {
    // ...

This code works, but it’s not very nice. There’s a huge chunk of code inside the forEach loop, which it can be hard to read.

We can make things easier by restructuring Tabby with OOP.

Restructuring with OOP

We’ll begin by commenting out the code we wrote. (We’ll add them back as we structure code with OOP).

You can choose any OOP flavour to work with. I’m going to show you how to use the Class syntax in this lesson.

First, we will create a Tabby class.

// tabby.js
class Tabby {
  constructor () {}

We need to know which Tabby instance we’re using. We can ask users to pass the HTML element into the Tabby class.

tabbies.forEach(tabby => {
  new Tabby(tabby)

We can then find tabsList, tabs, and tabPanels from tabby.

class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
    const tabsList = tabby.querySelector('[role="tablist"]')
    const tabs = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"]')]
    const tabPanels = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tabpanel"]')]

We need to use tabby, tabsList, tabs, and tabPanels variables inside methods to switch tabs later, so we’ll save these variables as properties for easy access.

class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
    this.tabby = tabby
    this.tabsList = tabby.querySelector('[role="tablist"]')
    this.tabs = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tab"]')]
    this.tabPanels = [...tabby.querySelectorAll('[role="tabpanel"]')]

Let’s export Tabby for our users.

export default class Tabby {
  // ...

Our users can use Tabby like this:

// main.js
import Tabby from `./tabby.js`

const tabbies = [...document.querySelectorAll('.tabby')]
if (tabbies.length > 0) {
  tabbies.forEach(tabby => {
    new Tabby(tabby)

Listening to events

We have three event listeners. Let’s add them one by one.

First, we have a click listener that selects the clicked tab.

tabsList.addEventListener('click', event => {
  const tab = event.target

We can put it inside the constructor function.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
    // ...

    tabsList.addEventListener('click', event => {
		  const tab = event.target

We need selectTab before the event listener can work. Let’s bring selectTab into Tabby as a method.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) { /* ... */ }

  selectTab (tab) {
	  const target = tab.dataset.target
	  const tabPanel = getTabpanel(target)

	  // Selects a tab
	  tabs.forEach(t => {
	    t.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1')
	  tab.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'true')

	  // Selects the corresponding tab content
	  tabPanels.forEach(c => c.setAttribute('hidden', 'true'))

selectTab needs to the tabPanels variable to work. We can get this variable via this.tabPanels.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) { /* ... */ }

  selectTab (tab) {
    // ...
    this.tabPanels.forEach(c => c.setAttribute('hidden', 'true'))
    // ...

Using the selectTab method:

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
    // ...

    tabsList.addEventListener('click', event => {
		  const tab = event.target

Clicking on a tab should select the tab and show the correct tabPanel now.

The second event listener

The second event listener selects the previous when the user presses left arrow key. It selects the next tab when the user press the right arrow key.

Here’s the code we wrote so far.

// Select previous or next tab when user press Left or Right arrow keys
tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  const { key } = event
  if (key !== 'ArrowLeft' && key !== 'ArrowRight') return

  const index = tabs.findIndex(t => t.getAttribute('aria-selected') === 'true')

  let targetTab
  if (key === 'ArrowLeft') targetTab = getPreviousTab(index)
  if (key === 'ArrowRight') targetTab = getNextTab(index)

  if (targetTab) {

We can copy this event listener into Tabby's constructor function as well.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...
		tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
		  const { key } = event
		  if (key !== 'ArrowLeft' && key !== 'ArrowRight') return

		  const index = tabs.findIndex(t => t.getAttribute('aria-selected') === 'true')

		  let targetTab
		  if (key === 'ArrowLeft') targetTab = getPreviousTab(index)
		  if (key === 'ArrowRight') targetTab = getNextTab(index)

		  if (targetTab) {

This event listener requires getPreviousTab and getNextTab to work. We can create these methods in Tabby.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) { /* ... */ }

  getPreviousTab (index) {
	  if (index !== 0) {
	    return tabs[index - 1]

  getNextTab (index) {
		if (index !== tabs.length - 1) {
	    return tabs[index + 1]

Both getPreviousTab and getNextTab needs the tabs variable to work. We can access tabs via this since we saved a reference in the constructor function.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) { /* ... */ }

  getPreviousTab (index) {
	  if (index !== 0) {
	    return this.tabs[index - 1]

  getNextTab (index) {
		if (index !== tabs.length - 1) {
	    return this.tabs[index + 1]

We can now use getPreviousTab and getNextTab like this:

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...

		tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
		  // ...
		  if (key === 'ArrowLeft') targetTab = this.getPreviousTab(index)
		  if (key === 'ArrowRight') targetTab = this.getNextTab(index)
			// ...

Improving the code

The code for the second event listener looks overwhelmingly complicated. If we put so much code into constructor, it’s hard to figure out what’s actually happening when a Tabby instance gets initiated.

A nicer way is to create a method to hold the event listener’s callback. We can call this method handleLeftRight.

We can then call handleLeftRight from the event listener.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...

		tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', event => {

  handleLeftRight (event) {
    // Code from the event listener

This makes the code MUCH nicer. But we can still improve it.

One way to improve the code is to use bind. We can pass the this value via bind so this is still correct inside handleLeftRight.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...

		tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleLeftRight.bind(this))

  handleLeftRight (event) {
    // Code from the event listener

But bind doesn’t have a friendly syntax. It makes the code complicated beyond what is necessary.

A better way is to create event handlers with arrow functions. (Note: This only works with Classes or Constructor functions. Do not try to use it for Factory functions or OLOO!).

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...

		tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleLeftRight)

  handleLeftRight = (event) => {
    // Code from the event listener

Much nicer, isn’t it?

If you use Standard linter, you’ll notice it complains about a syntax error.

Standard gives a syntax error warning when the syntax is correct.

But this isn’t an error. It’s valid ES6 syntax. Unfortunately, Standard doesn’t recognise it. If you wish to use Classes this way, the best option is to change your linter from Standard into ESLint. (Standard actually uses ESLint underneath the hood, if that gives you some comfort).

Clearing up code for the first event listener

We can use the same arrow-function process for the first event listener. This makes the code much nicer.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
		// ...

		this.tabsList.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick))

  handleClick = (event) => {
    const tab = event.target

  // ...

The third event listener

We have a third event listener that shifts focus from the tab to the tab panel when a user presses ArrowDown or Tab.

// Shifts focus from tab to tabpanel
tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', event => {
  const key = event.key
  if (event.shiftKey) return
  if (key !== 'Tab' && key !== 'ArrowDown') return

  const tab = event.target
  const target = tab.dataset.target
  const tabPanel = getTabpanel(target)


It’s relatively straightforward to make this work. You can use the same process we did with the two other event listeners above – so I’ll skip the steps and show you the completed code instead.

export default class Tabby {
  constructor (tabby) {
    // ...
    this.tabsList.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleTab)

  getTabpanel (target) {
    return this.tabby.querySelector('#' + id).parentElement

  handleTab = (event) => {
   const key = event.key
	  if (event.shiftKey) return
	  if (key !== 'Tab' && key !== 'ArrowDown') return

	  const tab = event.target
	  const target = tab.dataset.target
	  const tabPanel = this.getTabpanel(target)


  // Other methods

A quick note on private variables

We mentioned it’s important to use private variables in the Object Oriented Programming section. But we aren’t using any private variables in this lesson. Why?

Yes, it’s true we can create private variables for tabby, tabsList, etc…

export default class Tabby {
  // Creating private variable for tabsList

  constructor (tabby) {
    // ...
    this.#tabsList = tabby.querySelector('[role="tablist"]')

		this.#tabsList.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick)
		// ...

  // ...

But is there a merit in doing so? Are we afraid that users will abuse these variables and break the code?

In this case, we aren’t. So there’s no need to use private variables.

That’s it!