🛠️ Typeahead: Library

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🛠️ Typeahead: Library

We’re going to do something different this time. Instead of a text-lesson, I’m going to show you how I refactor this Typeahead into a library via video.

In this video, you’ll see how I actually work as I refactor – including how I use split screens, and how I debug when I encounter problems.

Note: I paused and cut out longer sessions where I had to think for a while to keep these videos short. Just saying this so you know about these pauses (and how I don’t think as quickly as you may believe quickly).

Without further ado, here are the videos for this Typeahead.

Video 1: Library Setup and Handling Fetch

Video 2: First event listener

Video 3: Second and third event listeners

Video 4: Refactoring predictions

Video 5: The Final event listener

That’s it! I hope you enjoy the videos!