🛠️ Typeahead: Bolding search terms

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🛠️ Typeahead: Bolding search terms

We want to highlight what the user typed in the list of predictions. This makes it easier for users to connect what they typed with what shows up.


Search terms not bolded


Search terms bolded

How to bold text

We can bold text if we wrap it in <strong> element.

<p>Some text is <strong>bold</strong>.</p>

In this cases, the bolded text will be the word “bold”.

Creating the HTML

If a user types j into the input field, we want to bold the first letter, J. We’ll do this for all predictions.

Bolded J

The HTML should be:


If they typed ja into the input field, we’ll bold the first Ja.

Bolded Ja

The HTML should be:


We can see a clear pattern here: The letters that were bolded are the same as the letters that were typed into the input field. So, to bold ja, we can search for ja in each country name.

But wait up!

There’s another pattern here. The number of typed letters and the number of bolded letters are the same. It’s easier to work with numbers (compared to text), so we’ll use the second pattern to bold search terms.

Bolding a search term

Let’s work together to bold Jamaica.

const country = 'Jamaica'

We’ll create another variable to hold the search terms we want to bold.

const searchTerms = 'Jam'

Since searchTerms is Jam, we want the Jamaica’s HTML to be:


There are three characters in the search term. We can get the number of characters with the length property.

const length = searchTerms.length
console.log(length) // 3

We can get Jam from Jamaica with substring once we know the length.

const toBold = country.subString(0, length)
console.log(toBold) // Jam

We can get the rest of Jamaica (aica) with substring as well.

const restOfString = country.substring(length)
console.log(restOfString) //aica

To create a country with Jam bolded, we can join toBold and restOfString. We’ll also add the <strong> tag at the same time.

const resultString = `<strong>${toBold}</strong>${restOfString}`
console.log(resultString) // <strong>Jam</strong>aica

Bolding search terms

Let’s put the code we wrote about into a function. It’ll make it easier to understand and use:

const boldSearchTerms = (string, searchTerms) => {
  const length = searchTerms.length
  const toBold = string.substring(0, length)
  const restOfString = string.substring(length)
  return `<strong>${toBold}</strong>${restOfString}`

Using boldSearchTerms:

const result = boldSearchTerms('Jamaica', 'jam')
console.log(result) = // <strong>Jam</strong>aica

We can bold all search terms by using boldSearchTerms as we create list items.

input.addEventListener('input', event => {
  // ...
  const listItems = matches.map(country => {
    // Bolds search terms
    return `<li>${boldSearchTerms(country.name, inputValue)}</li>`

  // ...
Search terms bolded

That’s it!